Knowing more about your exterior paint lifespan can help you cut down on the costs needed to get the exterior of your home painted. This is important in the long run especially if your NJ home is exposed to various external elements like weather, animals, and more. The faster the exterior of your home dilapidate, the earlier you would need to repaint it. Check out the article below for a detailed coverage on how you can lengthen your exterior paint lifespan.
Exterior Power Wash
Before painting the exterior of your home, it is crucial to give it a good power wash. This is to get rid of any contaminants like mold, pollen, debris, and more which may cause your paintwork to be uneven and create unattractive results. Power washing can also eliminate any peeling, cracking, and bubbling as well as any leftover residues from weather elements and animals.
Selecting the Paint
Always invest in a good quality paint so that it can last much longer. For solid surfaces like stucco, the paint will cost you lesser than it would for siding or wood that expands in time. It is highly recommended to invest a little more to produce better quality results.
Painting Contractor
If you need to outsource the painting works, always hire trusted professionals who are licensed and insured. This will help to ensure that the project gets executed according to plan and the painters are committed to the given schedule. Read the reviews from the company’s website or seek advice from friends and family for good recommendations from their own personal experiences.
Surface Preparation
Apart from power washing alone, you also need to focus on preparing the surface of your home exterior. This will help to ensure the paint job lasts much longer. Your home exterior needs to be caulked, scraped, and sanded to create an even surface that is easier to paint on. You can expect the paint job to be much smoother and not patchy at certain areas. Fascia boards also need to be prepped and patched whereas wood exterior needs to be primed before paint can be applied to create a smooth finish.
Affordable Exterior Paint
It can be affordable to paint the exterior of your New Jersey home with the right methods as we have advised through the abovementioned pointers. Simply power wash, prep the surface, select quality paint, and hire trusted professionals for a lasting paint job.
You can regard exterior paint as an investment. This does not mean it is going to cost you a hefty sum but it means putting in enough work so as to produce substantial results that are bound to last. By protecting and enhancing your exterior paint, you can prolong its lifespan.
Exterior Paint Lifespan
At the end of the day, what you do can help determine the lifespan of your home exterior paint. If you are committed to performing the tasks explained above to your best ability, your home exterior paint can last at least five years or more. Circle back to the factors we have shared and you can prolong the lifespan of your home exterior paint for as long as you need.